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Find out about our commitment to environmental laws and policies.

P C Henderson is committed to achieving and demonstrating compliance with all relevant environmental laws, regulations and standards. We keep abreast of developments in environmental legislation and best practice advice and employ an environmental management system conforming to ISO 14001 with a managed programme of objectives and targets.


It all begins here. Reducing the environmental impact of our products starts with the product design phase.

Resource Use

Achieving efficient use of materials and energy in our key operations and processes.


Promotion of our understanding of relevant environmental issues amongst employees, contractors and suppliers and provision of training to encourage environmental protection and good practice.


We are constantly striving to minimise environmental risk and hazards within our production process and carry our periodic assessments and re-evaluation of environmental impacts.

Waste Management

P C Henderson has adopted the policy to Prevent, Reduce, Re-use and Recycle process waste, and where this is not practicable to ensure responsible disposal.