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Product Maintenance

If in doubt about anything in these guidelines please contact P C Henderson's Technical Sales
Team on 0191 3777345 or email sales@pchenderson.com

Product Maintenance

for Straight Sliding, Tangent & Council 290, 301, 301H, 305, 307


• Keep track free from obstruction and excessive dirt or water

• Where fitted to the outside of the building, it is recommended that a protective canopy is fitted (not by PCH). Lubricate track running surfaces with a suitable, good quality automotive grease every six months. Increase lubrication frequency in exposed locations or where doors are constantly being operated. In very dusty locations greasing is not recommended, and if possible nylon wheeled hangers should be fitted, which eliminates the need for track greasing.


• All hangers are fitted with sealed lubricated ballbearings or plain bearings, requiring no greasing.

• If doors ‘settle’ and door clearance is reduced causing friction, raise the door by the hanger adjustment nuts.


• Guide roller and guide channel must be kept clear and free of obstructions.

• Guide roller spindles must be oiled and greased every six months.


• Inspect all fixing bolts for tightness every six months, including those securing brackets. Tighten if necessary.

• Lubricate all moving parts and check for wear. If excessively worn, the part should be replaced.

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